Every year New Zealanders throw away nearly 300 million disposable coffee cups – and only one out of every 400 composted. This is a bigger issue than your caffeine addiction.
With so many solutions from taking 5 minutes to enjoy your coffee in the café you bought it from to bringing your own cup. Some cafes offer a mug library, other organisations like Again Again which is an inter café cup lending scheme.
UYO is an organisation encouriaging Kiwis to ditch the single use coffee cups and are behind Use Your Own Cup Day. They currently have 753 cafes which encourage their customers to bring their own on their directory with more to come as some of the big franchise also come on board.
If you think the 11th of December is just another Wednesday… think again. It’s Use Your Own Cup day and it’s going to be BIG.
Use Your Own Cup day is a celebration for those who choose to respect the planet and their peers by reusing a mug rather than opting for a disposable coffee cup that, well, majorly sucks.
Disposable coffee cups are bullying our beautiful Aotearoa, wasting precious finite resources, and teaching us that our waste goes away.
There is no away!
On the 11th of December, New Zealanders nationwide will be saying a big “no thanks” to using single-use cups that fulfill their purpose for only minutes before creating nasty waste, that we simply don’t need.
Individuals, businesses, and community groups are coming together for a day that celebrates waste free habits and the brilliant vessels we can use over and over again!
“I’m almost too excited about a day dedicated to saluting the reuser – a day of amnesty for the cup chucker – a day to buddy up and break up with an old-news habit – a day where we show the baristas of Aoteroa some real love by drinking their real coffee from real cups!“
– Laura Cope, Founder of UYO.