Indoor Plants

I’ve often admitted my slapdash gardening skills. And my treat ‘em mean keep ‘em keen attitude to plants follows through to the indoor ones. The good old peace lily is my go to, not just for the implied calmness it may bring to my household but for the fact it is very forgiving! This is the plant that tells you it needs water and then an hour after you do so it’s back looking perfect.

Indoor plants are super cool right now and while the peace lily has its place, I can’t help but be tempted by the array of gorgeous indoor plants to choose from. With this in mind, I asked Janet from Pacifica Home and Garden to give us her top five indoor plants, plus a few tips on how to look after them.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

This gorgeous ‘statement’ plant is very on trend. Its very large, heavily veined, glossy violin-shaped leaves grow on an upright trunk from six to 10 feet. It looks great in an open weave textured basket, perfect for lounges and bedrooms and is fairly fast growing. Note the leaves are toxic to cats and dogs.


This relatively easy-care plant is known for the unique leaf movements of patterned foliage.  Also known as the prayer plant, Calathea’s beautiful broad leaves often close at night, giving you a changing view. These low light loving plants are perfect for those spaces in your house where the sun loving plants just don’t flourish.


Also known as the ZZ plant, it is a beautiful structural plant with glossy emerald leaves. A semi-succulent, they thrive in indirect and bright light but will also tolerate low light levels – they’re almost foolproof. Perfect for a bathroom.

Bridal Veil 

With its trailling dark green leaves, thin purple stems and delicate white flowers resembling a bride’s veil, this makes a great hanging plant or placed on a stool to cascade over. It will flourish in partial or filtered sunlight, not tolerating direct sunlight and preferring moist soil.
Note the leaves are toxic to cats and dogs.


With more than 1,000 known varieties, these hearty, easy-care plants boast thick, fleshy leaves that can be textured or smooth in red, green, grey or purple; variegated, marbled, or solid; large, heart-shaped, or tiny. While slow growing, Peperomia are also very low maintenance and can tolerate a little neglect.

Janet’s Indoor Plant Care Tips

  • Make sure the plant pot has drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.
  • Place your plant near a non-direct light source, whether it’s natural or artificial.
  • Determine what species of plant you have so you can more accurately care for it.
  • Feed your plants with an appropriate plant food and watch for bugs! Treat early in order to save your plant
  • Keep the potting soil moist (unless you have a low water variety). It’s important to make sure soil is not too wet nor too dry.

For a great range of indoor (and outdoor) plants along with great advice, head to Pacifica Home and Garden Centre, 112 Tara Road, Papamoa.

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