Vegan Muffins

Recipe: Vicki Ravlich-Horan | Images: Ashlee DeCaires 

The secret to these beautifully light and fluffy muffins is apple sauce which acts as an egg replacement. I simply used a tin found in the sauce aisle at any supermarket, although you could make your own.

3 cups self-raising flour
½ cup sugar
½ cup cocoa
1 cup dark (vegan) chocolate chips
1 cup of apple sauce
1 cup non-dairy ‘milk’
½ cup neutral oil (I used sunflower)
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup espresso or strong coffee

In a large bowl mix together the dry ingredients including the chocolate chips.
In a separate bowl whisk together the remaining ingredients then combine this with the dry mix.
Divide the mixture into a greased 12 pan muffin tin and bake at 180°C for 15–20 minutes.

To make berry muffins, omit the espresso and replace the cocoa and chocolate with fresh berries and a dash of cinnamon.
Or for a healthy lunchbox treat, omit the espresso and replace the cocoa and chocolate with raisins and add a grated apple, carrot and zucchini.


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