Certified Goodness at the Market

Words Denise Irvine Images Alex Spodyneiko Nothing prepares you for Earth Stewards Urban Farm in suburban Rototuna. You drive past pleasant houses and trim gardens and then there is Earth Stewards, a small but perfectly formed oasis of fresh produce – courgettes, kale, lettuce, butternuts, cavolo nero and the like – in an unexpected place. […]
Nurtured by Nature

Words Liz french, images Brydie Thompson It’s no secret that organically grown food is better for you and for the environment. One of the many attractions of Tauranga Farmer’s Market is the choice from certified organic producers. So … what defines organic food? Organic food is that grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, that […]
The Real Thing

Words Liz French, Images Alex Spodyneiko Tauranga Farmers’ Market customers are lucky that their market is a genuine farmers’ market, and not only one of the longest running in the country but considered one of the best. Beware of imitations! Farmers’ markets are not all created equal. Just naming a market a farmers’ market does […]
Waikato Farmers Market

Words Denise Irvine, Images, Images Alex Spodyneiko On Sunday mornings, I throw my sturdy jute shopping bag into the car and join the crowds at Hamilton Farmers Market. My bag is close to seven or eight years old, printed with a Waikato Food Inc logo and the message, Buy Local Eat Local. Which makes it […]
Summertime Gazpacho with Basil Oil

Recipes Ian harrison, Sugo. Images Brydie Thompson Summertime Gazpacho with Basil Oil The trick to making this the best is using the best produce you can get. The farmers market must be the best place for these treats. You don’t want a strong olive oil for the basil oil because it will steal from […]
Trying New Tastes at the Farmers Market

Liz French applies the “Do Something New, New Zealand” mantra to her weekly market experience. We go to the market most Saturdays and buy the same products. Having embraced the wonderful new things to do within our shores, it was time I applied that attitude to my taste buds. Time to treat our market visit […]

Words DENISE IRVINE | Images ALEX SPODYNEIKO I made a dish of soba noodles and stir-fried vegetables the other night and finished it off with a goodly glug of Sesame Rayu (Japanese chilli oil). As the label promised, it provided fire, flavour and a little bit of crunch, and my dinner bowl was delicious. The […]