Baked Aubergines with Salsa Verde

Words and images by Fiona Hugues Sometimes all you need is a hero vegetable prepared deliciously to wow your guests. These small aubergines grilled until soft are fabulous on their own as a light lunch or as a side to grilled meats. Just add some leafy greens on the side. 3–4 small aubergines, halved Extra […]

Serve it with pasta, on its own, or as part of a charcuterie board; in Sicily caponata goes with everything. I think breakfast time was the only time we weren’t served this sweet and sour eggplant dish. Every restaurant and nona has their own recipe, resulting in different degrees of sweetness. After asking almost everyone […]

Recipe VICKI RAVLICH-HORAN | Image BRYDIE THOMPSON Autumn is a season of abundance and this is no more evident than at the Tauranga Farmers Market. Market manager Trixie Allen says, “Finally all those loaded trees we see during summer can be picked. Paddocks can be harvested. Best of all, some summer crops extend into the autumn […]