Loving the City Centre

Words Vicki Ravlich-Horan, Images Brydie Thompson

Julie Hammon, owner of Hammon Diamond Jewellers believes “the outlook and future for the Tauranga city centre is exciting, and we are so looking forward to the invigoration that is ahead”.

Tauranga’s longest established jeweller, Hammon’s have been in the city centre for nearly 40 years, so it is safe to say they have seen lots of changes as well as many ups and downs. Julie says, “We have always loved our location in the city centre and truly believe in the city as being the natural commercial hub for the Bay of Plenty.”

In contrast to Hammon’s 40-year history in the city centre, independent film company Atara Film moved in just over a year ago.  With two offices in Germany, the choice to base their Kiwi office in the Tauranga city centre was not the obvious one, but CEO Rob Morgenstern says “the prospect of spending hours stuck in traffic each day to reach the studio or shooting locations and high studio rental costs” in Auckland and Wellington was off-putting.

In contrast, Rob loves the fact he can bike almost everywhere from his Tauranga city centre base. “I can’t help but rave about this place being the perfect bike city! It’s flat, everything is just a short ride away, and the new bike lanes feel like free highways. With our bucket bike I can drop the kids at school and kindy at one end of the city, pick up some fresh pastries at Breadhead, grab beans at Excelso on the way in, and still be in our city centre studio in under 15 minutes.”

Don Thompson from Keen on Piercing is another newcomer, opening their Tauranga city centre store in December last year. This is Keen on Piercing’s third store around New Zealand and Don says quite a bit of research goes into choosing their next locations.  “There are a number of factors to consider when opening a store. Tauranga is transitioning into a modern city. With higher education, transportation, accommodation and business growth. Foot traffic, in the short time we’ve been here, is growing significantly.”

But for Don it’s not just the opportunities the Tauranga city centre offer that have proven it was a good decision to locate their third store here. “It’s actually the people,” says Don. “I cannot think of another city where people walking past in the street make eye contact and offer a friendly greeting. I’ve met more of my business neighbours than in any other branch location and the local business community is very receptive to combined marketing opportunities. It’s so nice here I’ve put an offer in on a property down here.”

Lisa Wilson from Satori Sushi Lounge agrees with Don, saying she loves “the network and support from all the other Tauranga city centre businesses. It’s a great community of business owners!”

While Satori Sushi Lounge is not new in the BOP, it is in the Tauranga city centre, having moved from the Mount late last year to its new spot on The Strand. Lisa says she is loving the new location with amazing views across the harbour, close proximity to the suburbs and this summer the completed waterfront area and playground right there, perfect for families to visit before or after dining with them.

Thai Touch are another established business that has seen the potential in the Tauranga city centre, opening their third branch there just over a year ago. Business Manager Emma Banks says, “This complements our presence in Mount Maunganui and Bethlehem. Together, they provide a comprehensive network of wellness havens across Tauranga City.”

While Tauranga’s city centre geography may have made for a logical third store, Emma says there was more to it. “There is a palpable sense of optimism and potential in the city centre. We love being part of a community that is on the brink of revitalisation and our presence contributes to the emerging vibrancy.”

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