Easy Feijoa Tart

Recipes and Images By Kathy Paterson

My go-to pudding if I need one in a hurry and you can vary the fruit to fit the season.

Make an egg wash by lightly whisking just the yolk and a teaspoon of cold water together—this gives a gorgeous, dark honey colour to your cooked pastry.


Serves 4


250g pre-rolled butter puff pastry (I used Paneton pastry), thawed

5–6 large feijoas

egg wash for brushing

2 tbsp caster sugar, for sprinkling

1 lime

yoghurt, cream or ice cream for serving


Heat the oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Cut a 20cm disc from the pre-rolled pastry and put on the prepared tray. Make a shallow cut (ensuring you don’t cut all the way through), about 5mm from the edge of the pastry in a circle. You are essentially making a frame around the disc of pastry, which aerates the pastry so it puffs during cooking to give you an edge.

Prick the pastry within the frame with a fork, then brush the entire top of the pastry with egg wash. Put in the fridge to firm up.

Meanwhile, peel and slice the feijoas. Remove the pastry disc from the fridge and arrange the sliced feijoas on the pastry, again within the frame, overlapping each piece slightly. Sprinkle with the sugar.

Put in the oven and bake for 20–30 minutes until feijoas soften and the pastry is a dark honey colour and crisp.

Remove from the oven and finely grate over the zest of the lime. Cut into slices and serve with yoghurt, cream or ice cream.


Tip – while you have the oven on, use leftover pastry trimmings to make a few cheese straws.







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