Recipe: Vicki Ravlich-Horan | Photography: Brydie Thompson

This easy creamy ice cream rippled with cherry can be whipped up without the need for a fancy ice cream machine.

250g cherries
¼ cup sugar
1 cup cream
200g mascarpone
1 tin condensed milk

Halve and pit the cherries. Place in a small pot with the sugar and cook over a low heat until the cherries are soft. Allow to cool before pureeing.

In a bowl, whip the cream and mascarpone to the soft peak stage. Slowly add the condensed milk and continue to beat until you reach the stiff peak stage.

Gently fold in the cherry puree. Don’t be tempted to over mix or you will ruin the ripple effect.

Transfer the mixture to a two litre freezer proof dish and freeze overnight.

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