Book Review – Eat Up New Zealand, The Bach Edition

Words Vicki Ravlich-Horan Peter Gordon describes Al Brown’s book Eat Up New Zealand – The Bach Edition as “a gem of a cookbook, full of childhood memories and insights into our culinary future”. I have to agree with Peter that it is a cookbook full of nostalgic recipes. It is, in fact, these recipes (cinnamon […]
Pickled Carrots

These quick and easy pickled carrots are great. We have served it here on a bao bun with a slice of pork belly. It is also nice on traditional roast meat sammies or on a platter with cheese and cured meats, adding both a pop of colour and texture. 1–2 large carrots ½ cup rice […]
Small Batch Pickled Tamarillos with Oven-Roasted Pork Shoulder

Pickle tamarillos ahead of time, as they are best eaten after two weeks of being submerged in the pickling liquid. Makes 1 large jar 3 whole cloves ½ small cinnamon stick 2.5cm piece fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 500ml red wine vinegar 200g sugar a pinch of flaky salt pared rind of 1 small orange, […]
GRAPE – ness

In 1817 novelist and poet Thomas Love Peacock wrote, “The juice of the grape is the liquid quintessence of concentrated sunbeams.” And as I nurse a fresh throbbing wasp sting on my hand, I can’t help but agree. Harvesting a few bunches from my own vines for this shoot was not without risk, such is […]
Turning Up the Heat with Picnicka

The food at Picnicka, in Downtown Tauranga’s Thirty Eight Elizabeth, is simple, nourishing, and meant to be shared. The menu plays with the contrast between raw, smoked and grilled dishes featuring distinct worldwide flavours. Head chef Ryan Allen shared with us his Pickled Chillies recipe – the perfect solution to your abundant chilli harvest this […]
Fizzing for Kimchi

As we bid farewell to the final shreds of summer, the veggie garden rewards us with its autumn harvest. Here at The Falls Retreat, this means we are into pickling, preserving and fermenting mode as we attempt to capture all of nature’s goodness and utilise this glut of fresh produce. As we head into the […]
Christmas Plum Chutney

Words Harriet Boucher, Images Ashlee Decaires Use up those early season plums with this Chinese five spice chutney. Serve this chutney alongside your Christmas ham, turkey or roast chicken, then use it with leftovers toasted sandwiches for days to come. You can also blitz it up for a smooth plum sauce. 1 small onion, diced […]
Salmon Wrapped in Fig Leaf with Fig Chutney

Recipe Harriet Boucher, Images Brydie Thompson Fig Chutney Serve this fig chutney on a cheeseboard, in a sandwich, or with the salmon wrapped in fig leaf below. It’s a great way to use up an abundance of figs and to enjoy them throughout the year. Ingredients: ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup apple cider vinegar 2 cups figs, fresh or frozen, […]

Recipe VICKI RAVLICH-HORAN | Image BRYDIE THOMPSON Autumn is a season of abundance and this is no more evident than at the Tauranga Farmers Market. Market manager Trixie Allen says, “Finally all those loaded trees we see during summer can be picked. Paddocks can be harvested. Best of all, some summer crops extend into the autumn […]

Recipe & Images EMMA GALLOWAY These pickled mushrooms are packed with flavour. They are the perfect way to preserve mushrooms before they go yuck in the bottom of your vegetable drawer. They can be a delicious addition to a platter of treats, or slice them and add to salads or pizza. If you’re wanting to […]